RNA Vaccines for the Prevention & Treatment of Infectious Diseases & Cancer

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mRNA vaccines can be useful for the prevention of certain diseases. However, the design and formulation of the RNA in these vaccines can limit the diseases that they can be used to prevent or treat.

Our scientists developed a method for preventing and treating infectious diseases and cancer using RNA vaccines14.

RNA Vaccines for the Prevention & Treatment of Infectious Diseases & Cancer is protected by a pending U.S. patent (with additional patents pending in other countries).

14McCarthy, S., et al. Nucleic Acid Ther, Vol 33, No 2, 2023.

Example Applications

  • Low dose RNA vaccines
  • Initiation of targeted immune responses
  • Combine with Factor’s Engineered Protein-Encoding RNA and Polyvalent Ionizable Lipid Library for enhanced application-specific delivery
  • Combine with Factor’s Rapid Prototyping of GeneEditing Strategies for the Treatment of Cancer Technology to streamline the development of personalized medicines